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How You Can Get A Better Backbend in 3 Simple Steps

Are you struggling with you backbends?

Can’t figure out where it’s all going wrong?

In this Wellness Wednesday video, I demonstrate the how you can find a better backbend with 3 simple steps. Now, I said the steps were simple, that doesn’t mean they are easy!

Step 1

Work on your little bridge posture, keeping your knees in line with your hips and your big toes rooted to the floor. Practice only little bridge, about 20 of them per day for at least a week or two.

Step 2

Using the wall to stabilize the back of your wrists and elbows. First go through the steps of your little bridge, then lift the top of your head to the floor, and align the elbows directly against the wall at a 90 degree angle. Keep the elbows directly connected to the wall, and press your chest through your shoulders towards the wall using the strength of only your legs. You will hopefully feel a new opening behind the heart-center in the upper back. Do not allow the elbows to shift or come off the wall. When you add this step, be sure to practice little bridge first at least 3 times, and then move to lifting the head to the floor and aligning the elbows against the wall. Practice just this step without straightening the arms and legs, and without lifting the head off the floor at least 10 times per day for at minimum one week.

Step 3

Repeat steps 1 & 2. Only after you’ve found the upper back opening in step 2, will you move to step 3, where straighten the arms and legs and lift the head off the floor. The most important part of this step is to keep the elbows connected to the wall, and continue working more intensely on opening through the your shoulders and upper back area. You may not be able to straighten your arms at first. That’s OK! Take your time. This third and final step may take a full year or more! Be patient and don’t rush the process.


Ask a question or post a comment below. Let me know if you tried this method, any problems that may have come up or what you discovered. I look forward to reading your insights!