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Wellness Wednesday: 10 Tips for Immune System Support

This week I’m sharing some ways that you can increase and strengthen your immune system.

The immune system is your body’s defense against disease, bacteria, viruses and all types of illness. It includes many biological systems, structures, and processes. Your immune system works by recognizing the difference between your body's cells and unfamiliar or alien cells, and then destroying the unusual cells that could potentially be harmful.

When we talk about ways to boost your immune system or increase immunity, we are really talking about the regular things you can do to reduce stress and toxicity within your physiological systems so that your body can do what it naturally does already more efficiently. When we're stressed, or already overloaded with harmful substances, the immune system's ability to fight off antigens is significantly reduced. That is why we become more susceptible to infections.

Some of the best ways to reduce toxicity and increase your immune system’s ability to protect and heal your body are:

1. Don’t Smoke!
2. If you drink alcohol, keep it moderate or eliminate it completely if you are beginning to feel unwell.
3. Exercise regularly. Daily for 20-30 minutes is best, but most health practitioners recommended at least 3 hours of moderate aerobic activity per week.
4. Meditate daily. Experiment with sitting for 5-10 minutes each day and simply observing your breath.
6. Get 8 hours of sleep. At minimum, 6 hours of sleep is required for healthy functioning. If you are feeling immunosuppressed, then be sure to take naps or sleep for longer.
7. Minimize stress. Try deep breathing with an extended exhalation for 5 minutes each day.
8. Take a regular probiotic, or eat more fermented foods that include natural probiotics. Probiotics are "good" or "helpful" bacteria that keep your gut healthy, and can enhance digestion and elimination.
9. Drink lots of warm water, herbal teas, soups, lemon-ginger-honey tea, green teas, miso soups, and citrus, pomegranate or cranberry juices.
10. Eat mostly fruits and veggies – Drop the dairy, meat and processed foods!
Some of the best foods to focus on for increasing your overall health, energy and immune functioning: Citrus Fruits, Berries, Red Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Garlic, Ginger, Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Almonds, Turmeric, Sweet Potato, and Mushrooms (which are good for their immune boosting trace mineral, Zinc).


Now that you’ve watched this Wellness Wednesday video, I hope you realize the time to start increasing your health is right now, and there are some very easy ways you can do this.

If you need more coaching on the subject a step-by-step guide, you can email me for more information or look into my personalized Health & Wellness Coaching Programs.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

In the comments below tell me:

  1. What’s one action step you must make TODAY to increase your immune functioning?

  2. What is that one thing that immediately pops into your mind and heart?

    Write it down and then get to it!