“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.”
Enjoy These Musings and Insights on Yoga and Life

Recitation of Dhanvantari Mantra
Dhanvantari is thought to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who comes into the world to bring health, healing, and protection against physical or mental disease through the practices and teachings of Ayurveda. He manifested to protect living beings from untimely death, disease, and sorrows.
We will be reciting this healing mantra collectively 80 million times: Oṃ Dhaṃ Dhanvantaraye Namaḥ
You can join in too… read more and follow along with a recording of 108 repetitions of this mantra.

Gratitude is the Heart of Love
Gratitude and appreciation is entwined with numerous health benefits including enhanced mood and self-esteem. We can develop gratitude by reflecting on the gifts that are already ours and by celebrating great and small things every day.
Research has demonstrated that a regular practice of gratitude releases toxic emotions, reduces bodily aches and pains, helps to improve sleep quality, aids in stress regulation, and helps to decrease feelings of anxiety and depression. Gratitude has psychological, physical, and social benefits, and is the foundation of any spiritual path.
Here are some simple ways that you can practice gratitude every day…

The Nine Nights of the Goddess
At this time of year we turn our attention to this goddess energy and celebrate the principle of Divine Feminine during the Hindu festival of Navaratri meaning “Nine-Nights.” The Sri Yantra consists of nine interlocking triangles, and it represents the Supreme Shakti, or cosmic energy, which is portrayed as a magnificent goddess. This goddess symbolizes the transcendent principle of the Mother as the source of all energy, power, prosperity and creativity and is especially revered during this festival.

What's stopping your Bakasana B?
Bakasana B can be an intimidating prospect when working through the Second Series of the Ashtanga yoga sequence. Many times students say, “but I can’t jump and land!” So, what exactly is stopping you from successfully landing on the backs of your arms in this position?

An Idyll: What is Classic? Part VI: The Classic Jumpshot
If you’re interested in how back-bending and basketball connect you will need to read this fantastic blog written by Russell Altice Case… He muses about art, sports, motorcycles, Hinduism, yoga, linguistics, definitions, gurus… and so much more!
This is a link to Part 6: The Classic Jumpshot - Featuring an extended quote from me about the secret to a happy, healthy back-bend.
If you like it, I would recommend starting at Part One, or at the very least go back and read Part 4, 5 which are full of interesting Yoga references and give a lot of the context around What is Classical, including classical “Hatha Yoga”. It’s a fun and super thought provoking blog to read!

All is coming... All is going...
Somewhere along the way, I realized that “All is coming” meant ALL of it: the good, the bad, the ugly, the miserable, the beautiful, the exquisite, the pain unbearable, the joy insurmountable, the laughter and tears, new friendships and the loss of others, children, lovers, enemies, sickness, hours of being stuck in traffic, the feeling of lightness and oppressive heaviness, unbelievably good fortune as well as terrible hardships... ALL of it.

Guru Purnima 2018
“Today, while thinking of all the many times that I had the good fortune to be in Mysore, India to celebrate Sri. K Pattabhi Jois’s birthday (which coincides with Guru Purnima) I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of appreciation for all the days of practice and learning that I had with him and Sri R. Sharath Jois. Almost immediately, I felt disheartened that not everyone was able to think back and remember Guruji with the fondness I had. These two mixed emotions brought me back to thinking more about the idea of what it is to have a Guru, and how this connection is formed, and then transformed, and how we can honor each other within this context.”

Shayanasana - Taking a more "relaxed stance"
This posture is called Śhayanāsana. Shayana means "resting" “reclined” or “lying down” and when combined with asana it translates as something like a "relaxed stance."
Now, if you have ever tried this posture, you will know it is anything but relaxing! ...

South Africa LOVE
We practice Yoga so that we can cultivate the strength and courage to gradually, step-by-step, day-by-day, walk our own long road to freedom...

Pranayama: Expansion of Energy
The mind and the breath are said to arise from the same Source, and so to learn specific methods for controlling the breath can lead directly back to this Source. Thus, gaining control over the breath is a means to achieve mastery over the mind.