It Takes A Village
It takes many hours and personal resources to create meaningful content and online resources. In this very difficult time for the global community of yoga, with so many people out of work, or quarantined due to the COVID-19, it is very important to still gather as a community online, and participate in a social space where we can all be together.
The root of the Sanskrit word “Karma” means “to do, to make, or to work.” The content and classes that are being offered to you and the greater yoga community as a free online resource is a result of this Karma Yoga. The Vipassana teacher, S.N. Goenka is an inspiration, and in these challenging times, his leadership is an excellent example to follow. We, we who been given much, can also offer a small donation to go towards helping others, and futhering the teachings of yoga, in order that more people will benefit from the practice.
A Message From Harmony
“I would not be able to continue serving you in these many different ways, without the support of several devoted students and friends like you, from all over the world.
I am so grateful to receive your messages and connect with each one of you heart-to-heart. I appreciate every time that you share my social media posts, or tell your friends and family about your personal experiences of working with me. It is incredibly inspirational for me to know that your hearts, minds and lives have been touched by our connection and interactions. Just knowing this, makes all the difference.
If you would like to make another kind of contribution to help support the continuation of my work and teachings online, I would be very grateful for any financial gift you feel you could offer. Every little bit makes a big difference to my personal livelihood, and helps me to continue creating more online materials that can add even greater value for you and will continue to spread the transformative message of yoga.”
xx Harmony
Donation Information
Yes, Please! I want to help spread love, yoga and community connection by supporting Harmony’s mission to offer the deeper teachings of yoga to a world in need. Please accept my sincere offering to continue the work being done by Harmony through podcasts, videos, articles, and other helpful online resources for the greater good of the global yoga community.
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