Class Descriptions

Full Primary Series - This class will be 90 minutes. It will follow the sequence of the Primary Series in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition from Mysore, India. If you are new to the practice of yoga, or not familiar with Ashtanga Yoga, I would recommend starting with one of the other shorter more focused classes. As always, this practice is for you. Please feel free to stop at any time, and always be careful with new or unfamiliar postures.

Flow with Harmony - This class will start or end with a short period of seated meditation, and breathing exercises (pranayama). It will include a sequence of postures based on the Ashtanga yoga method. The sequence will vary with each class, and you will enjoy exploring different postures and experiencing how they harmoniously flow together!

Ashtanga Fundamentals - This class follows the sequence of postures developed in the Primary Series. It include Sun Salutations, the standing poses, a few of the seated postures, as well as a shortened closing sequence.

Gentle Backbends - This is a wonderful class to invigorate and sooth the central nervous system. It is good for all levels and will help to strengthen your core, legs and back muscles, as well as open your and lengthen your quadriceps, psoas, and abdominal muscles. It includes some breathing exercises (pranayama) and will leave you feeling refreshed.

Restorative - This is a restful and rejuvenating yoga class. Beginning or ending with a period of deep relaxation or breathing exercises (pranayama). This class will include several supported postures that will be held for longer periods of time to allow for a complete relaxation and restoration of your body, mind and energy. You may want to keep a blanket, pillow or bolster close by to help support your body in these postures for maximum effectiveness. Poses in this sequence may include the traditional 12 step Sun Salutation from the Hatha yoga tradition, light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends.

Happy Hip Openers - This class is a fantastic way to focus on opening those densely muscled areas in the hips. For some students this class might feel like heaven, but for others it will be much more challenging. Regardless of your prior experience with yoga, or your level of flexibility, this class will leave you with a feeling of improved range of motion, less strain or pain in your lower back, and a release of both physical and emotional tension. This class focuses on postures that directly relate to opening the hips in all directions. Postures are often held for longer periods of time. It is a nice practice for any level of student.

Modified Primary Series - This class will cover anywhere from half of the Primary Series to the full sequence of postures. It is a modified class in that the practice will be adapted to fit into an hour, which means difficult poses will be modified, and several vinyasa-s will be eliminated in a systematic way. All levels of students are welcomed to join this class, and will find great benefit to practicing the postures that are accessible to them.

Exploring Second Series - This is a nice way to get to know the Intermediate Series sequence of postures. This class will offer many different alternatives for difficult poses and demonstrate how to gradually approach these postures with varying degrees of ability. It will not be a full practice of the Intermediate sequence and it will not be counted with the Sanskrit vinyasa counts. This is a practice of exploration and integration. It will be made accessible to different levels of students; although some experience with the practice of yoga asana is recommended.