What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?

The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.

Show Notes Below:

Living Yoga with Richard and Mary

Living Yoga with Richard and Mary

Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor need no introduction.

In this episode, we talk about the dissolution of our minds, bodies, and practices in the face of time. How do we let go of the physicality of the practice?

What we heard was extremely enlightening, and surprisingly heart-opening.

We also touch upon Lojong Buddhist practice, and the difference between “taking refuge” and “surrendering.” What the Bhagavad Gita and the Wizard of Oz have in common, and how they’ve kept love alive within their relationship after all these years… and how you can too!

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Ann Svärdfelt: A Field of Swords

Ann Svärdfelt: A Field of Swords

It is our pleasure to introduce you to Ann Svärdfelt. Her experience of Mysore is unique. She came to Ashtanga Yoga later in life, already with small children, and as a responsible adult. Many of you know her as the proprietor of the Santosha Cafe. Her experience of Mysore is unique. She stepped into the practice from a very different space than many of us, who were in somewhat of a state of arrested development, bugged out drop outs, wannabe hippies, overgrown, and still living with our parents.

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The Three Stigmata of Mariela Cruz

The Three Stigmata of Mariela Cruz

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our great friend Mariela Cruz. Mariela is one of those phenomenal human that you might find in an Alexandre Dumas classic like ‘The Count of Monte Christo’ or ‘The Man in the Iron Mask.’

Someone who’s heart-centered and gifted with supreme powers of intelligence, wit, and physical prowess!

With 7 children, a lawyer, a gifted solo pianist, she also happened to finished Advanced A Series with Sharath Jois in Mysore, India. She was an ambassador to India on behalf of Costa Rica…. and the list of accomplishments goes on and on, reading like an epic novel. All this, and she still has half a lifetime more to live.

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Dena Kingsberg: That's Where The Light Gets In

Dena Kingsberg: That's Where The Light Gets In

We are blessed today to share our conversation with Dena about her personal transformation from an awkward child into an artist, poet, and rock-goddess architect. She built her home using her own hands and she’s built her life in much the same way. It’s challenging to be a deeply introverted person, while also being called to publicly share the sacred wisdom gleaned from time spent inwardly looking.

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Maria Boox Love Goddess

Maria Boox Love Goddess

In Norse mythology, Freyja (from Old Norse meaning "the Lady" is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, and gold. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers.

Today we interviewed Maria Boox, who in our opinion, most embodies this Freya love goddess energy.

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Dominic Corigliano: On The Road

Dominic Corigliano: On The Road

For a particular generation of Ashtangi, Dominic Corigliano represents that paternal “cool dad” who knows everything that’s going on in your family and is more than happy to tell you too much about it.
He’s like that cool uncle who’s not condescending and knows about the dope hiding in your room. Dom may smoke it with you, but he’s also going to be real honest about the side effects. He’s the first guy you call when you need bail money… But he’s also going to reinforce, “You really need to tell your mom, you know?”

Sitting with Dominic, feels very much like you’re part of his family. As a father of five, family has turned out to be a focal point of his life.

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Sista Shree: Gotta Serve Somebody

Sista Shree: Gotta Serve Somebody

Sistashree, born Regina French, in the First Nation State of Sequoyah (what is now referred to as Oklahomaokla humma) is an embodiment of the benevolent magic Earth-Mother figure that we all need in our lives.

She is a kind of blue-skinned Krishna, who vibrates peace and love and makes all beings in her vicinity feel friendship towards her.

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Mark Robberds: God of Thunder

Mark Robberds: God of Thunder

Obviously, Mark Robberds isn’t actually the ancient Norse God of Thunder. He is actually quite soft spoken and has a gentle moderate spirit. We touch upon several historical incidents that reinforced patterns of normative behavior in our global community and how these somewhat dramatic events effected each of our lives.

This conversation is a lively one! We are exploring issues of psychology, science, physiology, and philosophy.

If you have ever wanted to sit back and chill with Mark, bask in his beatific presence while making snarky remarks, and digging in deep to what our core values really are, this is your day to do it. ❤️

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Sonja and The Mind Monsters

Sonja and The Mind Monsters

It’s been said that if you can’t explain something to a 5 year old, you don’t really understand it. Perhaps apocryphally that quote refers to quantum mechanics and general relativity theory. Albert Einstein was doing his level best to explain these concepts to a nervous public. Equally as difficult to understand is the prism of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and yet our guest today, Sonja Radvila, explains it effortlessly in her Yoga Sutra book written especially for children.

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The Yogi Aristocat

The Yogi Aristocat

Our guest today is the American Aristocrat, Robbie Cavallero. There is something ineffable but unmistakable in the effect he has on people directly in his sphere of reach. He’s a bit like Lord Krishna really, attracting Gopies with his sweetness. And the ardent admirers of this gentleman will notice that even the rocks melt, ever so slightly, in his presence.

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Life Beyond Power Yoga

Life Beyond Power Yoga

Beryl told it like it was, and continues to tell it like is, and we were thrilled to have her acerbic sense of humor and enjoyed her salt-of-the-earth presence. Beryl tells us about meeting, traveling, and meditating with her spiritual guide, Munishree Chitrabhanu, a Jain monk. She also speaks candidly about Pattabhi Jois’ indiscretions while teaching in the classroom, as well as how she began her Ashtanga yoga studies with Norman Allen in NYC.

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David Swenson: Surf and Turf

David Swenson: Surf and Turf

David Swenson is someone in the Ashtanga yoga circle who needs no introduction. He began his journey of Yoga in 1969, met David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff in Encinitas, CA in 1973, and made his first trip to Mysore, India, in 1977 to study directly with Pattabhi Jois. In this interview, we ask about his early experiences with the practice, and the reason why he continues to practice yoga each day, even after 50 years!

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Moon Yoga

Moon Yoga

Today, it is our distinct honor and pleasure to introduce Sharon Moon. This is a one of Russell’s most revered friends, colleagues, his mentor, and teacher. Sharon shares with us an incredible story of her first harrowing marriage to an abuser, and her subsequent unwanted pregnancies, what an illegal abortion was like in the 60’s, and how she made it out alive. She recounts meeting Swami Satchidananda, her initiation into Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship, and attaining a double Black Belt in Taekwondo. Sharon is an interesting duality, a Texan, Jewess, street fighter, and a deeply maternal great-grandmother full of a giant well of loving kindness. We think you’ll enjoy this trip…

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Développés with Shelley Washington

Développés with Shelley Washington

In Ballet, the term développé means to "unfold," or open outwards in a “developing movement.” In this episode of the Finding Harmony Podcast, we sit down with Shelley Washington, where she gracefully unfolds different aspects of her journey. At the age of 45, after a stunning career as a world class modern dancer, where she would train for 8-10 hours a day, Shelley accidentally ends up in a yoga class, and has to find an entirely new way to relate to her body and approach this new physical discipline. How her practice has evolved over the past 20 years will surprise you!

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A Round Table on The Advanced Practice

A Round Table on The Advanced Practice

When we’re at home, most of us practice with a different intensity than we do in Mysore, whether it turns out to be more or less postures is another story. We spent an afternoon discussing what this looks like and why we do what we do with power couple Kate O’Donnell and Rich Ray from Ashtanga Yoga Portland Maine. We talked about Advanced Asanas and our relationship to them both personally, as well as collectively… Listen Now!

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Time For A Breathing Break
Yoga Aging, podcast, ashtanga yoga, pranayama Harmony Slater Yoga Aging, podcast, ashtanga yoga, pranayama Harmony Slater

Time For A Breathing Break

In this episode of Finding Harmony, we’ve decided to take a little Breathing Break. We wanted to share some funny stories and talk about our experience with the fourth limb of the eight-limb yoga path: Pranayama. During these especially stressful times, we felt it was important to share with you some of the many benefits that cultivating a regular breathing practice can have on your body and mind. If you want to learn more about practicing the 4th limb of yoga: Register for my online Pranayama Course that starts Sunday September 13.

Peel Back The Layers with our Autumn Retreat October 2-4. Join myself, Russell Case, Lara Land and Thimo Wittich for our AUTUMN YOGA RETREAT ONLINE. Registration is NOW OPEN!

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Ashtanga Yoga Tiger Training
ashtanga yoga, podcast, Yoga Aging Harmony Slater ashtanga yoga, podcast, Yoga Aging Harmony Slater

Ashtanga Yoga Tiger Training

Larry Hobbs is an Italian American who grew up in North Carolina. He is an Army Veteran who considers himself a late bloomer, coming to the practice of yoga after turning 50… Now, in his 70s, Larry has learned about how to maintain his practice through a spinal surgery, a hip replacement, and has adjusted his practice to accommodate an aging body. You’ll love listening to Harmony, Russell and Larry colloquially reminisce their memories from Mysore and about some of the idiosyncratic Senior Ashtanga teachers they’ve met along the way.

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