What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Eternally Youthful with David Garrigues
You might know David Garrigues as a Certified Ashtanga yoga teacher, but today you’ll hear all about what spurred him into the Seattle punk scene, and how music pulled him out of a very difficult time in his life, where he was homeless and starting to sink into a very dark place.
How did he go from a homeless young punk rocker to practicing yoga in Mysore, India, with Pattabhi Jois? You’ll find out in this episode.

The Tao of Dreams with Kari Hohne
Kari Hohne’s talking with us today about Taoism, the I Ching, and dream interpretations. These are just a few of the areas she’s passionate about. It’s her mission to keep this ancient wisdom relevant during our modern times and we’re diving into not only her personal story but also asking her to share her skills with us!
Waiting for Grace with Nina Rao
What Nina Rao enchants us with is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on what it means to cultivate a spiritual practice. For those of us not born into a specific lineage, we have the gift and freedom to resonate and choose different spiritual paths and practices.
However, there is something to be said about digging a single well and going deep. Discovering what insight lays buried within the repetition. True learning. And, in the end, we touch something beyond this behavioral reality — we begin to transcend our ego-selves
All of You is Welcome
This is a solo episode where I'm reflecting on spiritual practice and meditation.
Spiritual practice is about welcoming all of you. It's touching life exactly where life is touching you.
If you have more questions or want more episodes like this please comment on this post!
Spiral Journey of Spirit
This is a solo episode where I'm reflecting on some important questions:
What is the spiritual path and how does it change us?
How best can you honour this spiritual quest of life?
What makes you come alive and feeds your soul?
These are a few thoughts and reflections on what it means to have a spiritual practice and discipline.
Inspired by reading from the book: "Ritual As Remedy" by Mara Branscombe, a guest from back in January, episode 148.
I speak to how my own practice has shifted and changed over the years.
If you have more questions or want more episodes like this please comment on this post!

Erik Jacobsen: Yoga, Philosophy, and Art
Erik became passionate about art making from a very early age. A place of refuge and contemplation, that encouraged him to turn over ideas in visual ways allowing for intuitive integration and learning. A mix of meditation and exploration, his work is infused with spiritual and philosophical inquiry. Asking deep questions has always been a primary driver in his life, and various contemplative traditions have been parallel and complementary to his artistic process.

Compassion In Action with Elena Brower
Mama, Humanitarian, Artist, Poet, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur, Teacher, and Mentor… Elena Brower has woven a beautiful tapestry of conscious awareness. She weaves together many diverse roles and interests, all of which bring her joy, to create a life that exemplifies compassion in action.

Eddie Stern: I'll Be Your Mirror
We have someone we have wanted to speak to ever since we first initiated this Podcast: The Inimitable Eddie Stern! You’ll feel absolutely transported as you jump right into our conversation with the iconic Eddie Stern… Talking about rectangles of all things and their place of importance in our world!
Around 3 minutes in, you’ll get to hear why (or why not) we always do postures to the right side first! And, of all the outrageously unorthodox things we said in this interview, “jumping to the left” seems to epitomize how unconventional we’ve all become.

Niki Baratta: Earth Angel
We are delighted to share with you this beautiful conversation with Niki Baratta, who may potentially qualify as one of the most interesting people alive!
Niki comes from the U.K. (quite coincidentally, like many of our recent guests); However, she has a very unique story about creating herself, raising up in the world of fashion, to launching her very own line of jewelry before moving into teaching yoga and coaching woman.

Jeanette Keane: Dance Me to the End of Love
The Finding Harmony Podcast has always been a play on words. How to find harmony in your life?
Uncovering that point when one hits rock bottom and discovers yoga as the secret key to ending suffering… Sometime after everything else has failed. Jeanette was fortunate enough to be introduced to yoga at a very young age through her mother. She’s an artist, a professional dancer, and skilled in Public Relations, Digital Communication, Marketing and Arts Administration. But even Jeanette explored many different avenues, looking for answers, before realizing that yoga held the perfect space for her to cultivate inner-peace.

A Trip Towards the Self with Barry Silver
Today we interview Barry Silver, traveling artist, explorer of the mystic and esoteric realms. Barry is astonishingly self aware of his own pursuit of cool, and seeking to be cool in the myriad communities he merged with. Whether it was Disco, Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, or the “Burner Community,” he has come back to being himself again and again, finding comfort in acknowledging who he is. Like the Alchemist’s journey, he’s realized that there was nothing to strive for or become, and he oozed cool all along.
From altar building to cathartic scrapbook journaling, Barry Silver has traveled an interesting path to becoming a full-time artist… His work is comic, genius, and generous in a wondrously mysterious way.

The Yogi Aristocat
Our guest today is the American Aristocrat, Robbie Cavallero. There is something ineffable but unmistakable in the effect he has on people directly in his sphere of reach. He’s a bit like Lord Krishna really, attracting Gopies with his sweetness. And the ardent admirers of this gentleman will notice that even the rocks melt, ever so slightly, in his presence.

Chasing Dragons with Dr. John Campbell
Even after practicing for decades, and finishing Advanced Series in Mysore with Pattabhi Jois, John found himself isolated, studying and writing his Ph.D thesis in Varanasi. Feeling alone, and confused in an alien environment, John found himself attracted to the darkness… And eventually lost himself in cycle of addiction. We explored together the mind-body connection in relation to substance use and addiction, gurus, the big Self, and how the practice can create a cycle of chasing dragons.
Lost Angels Yoga Club
In our 43rd episode we sit down with Spiros and Erica. On the surface this is an unlikely pair. What is perversely intriguing however, on speaking with these two, is how uniquely suited they are to each other. What shines through their every interaction is intelligence and insight. With every topic we brought up whether it was Los Angeles, the criminal justice system, the State of Ohio, the Tarot, or the Trumpist identity, they brought a profound sense of layered self-aware contextual discernment to their own thoughts, which compassionately penetrated to the heart of each complicated issue.

Becoming Whole
Born in Daegu, South Korea to Korean parents, Hojung was given up for adoption at a very young age. She was adopted by Flemish-Belgian parents in Europe, but was raised in Madison, Wisconsin.
In this extra long Holiday Special, we are taken through an incredible journey of self-discovery. We catch glimpses into how culture works to construct one’s identity, and how yoga can work to heal deeply unconscious wounds, when we become present to what’s arising. Hojung’s story is a deeply moving and emotional journey, where we are given the opportunity to come face to face with the reflection of our own self.

Rogue Yogi: Escaping Samsara
We are delighted to share with you a conversation with our fellow podcaster Nathan Thompson: Poet, Journalist, Buddhist Practitioner, and self-taught Ashtangi, as well as the host of the Escaping Samsara Podcast. In his teens Nathan tumbled headfirst down the deep tunnel of drug use and sank into a pattern of addiction. After a decade of darkness, he found his feet again through the practice of Vipassana Meditation in the lineage of S.N Goenka, a tradition that both he and Harmony share a connection with. You will love this lively interview!

The Art of Yoga
A decade after the death of Pattabhi Jois, the bubble exploded in the wake of #metoo. The chintzy shine was tarnished. The “now” big boss was humbled and, controversially, avoiding the proverbial elephant in the room. And, it was at this point that Timothy felt propelled to sacrifice his place within the lineage, walking away from the official “authorized list” of recognized teachers. A very sincere, and conscious choice, a stance taken as a personal protest to authoritarianism. We talk about this and so much more like the the ephemeral quality of the asana practice and how it can be seen as making art with your body, and like dance or music, it appears and then it’s gone… in this juicy episode of Finding Harmony.