What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Dancing In My Dreams with Ralph Craig III
When Tina Turner, often dubbed the “Queen of Rock ‘N’ Roll,” died at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland, on May 24, 2023, what many did not know is that Ms. Turner had practiced Soka Gakkai International Nichiren Buddhism for the last 50 years.
What does this have to do with our guest today? We’re talking Ashtanga yoga, philosophy, and the importance of discipline in attaining true wisdom from your spiritual practice.
This is basically a class in history, philosophy, Sanskrit and culture all wrapped up into one delicious conversation that we know will enrich your lives!
Our guest, Dr. Ralph H. Craig III received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Stanford University, where he specialized in Buddhist Studies and in American Religions. He’s also the author of “Dancing In My Dreams: A Spiritual Biography of Tina Turner,” which will be released in November 7, 2023!

Jana Wilson: Wise Little One
“What I have come to know in my personal life and the lives of all the people I've worked with is that every trauma, challenge, and wound comes bearing a gift and some wisdom our soul needs. Once I opened up to finding the wisdom (and lesson) of my very traumatic childhood that made me the strong, loving, compassionate and capable woman, wife, and mother that I am today, I began to live the life of my dreams.” - Jana Wilson