What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Awaken with Susan Klein-Holman
Susan Klein-Holmen is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. The Founder and Creative Director STELLdesign, and Yoga Teacher and Mentor at her own school: Kosha Yoga Shala. Susan shares with us a very intense and terrifying experience that changed her life forever.
It happened to her while at a yoga retreat. Her story is one that maybe you can relate to?

A Stroke of Insight with Meghan Marshall
This conversation with Meghan had all of us laughing about something that's no laughing matter! In August of 2019, Meghan had a stroke, right in the middle of her Ashtanga yoga practice! This random event changed her perspective on life completely. She realized, time is short. And that the peripheral community drama wasn't important to her personal practice. She decided to boldly step forward on her path, recognizing she didn't have time to wait for permission to teach. Instead, she made the resolve that if she recovered, she would claim her own authority. And we're so glad she did.
Waiting for Grace with Nina Rao
What Nina Rao enchants us with is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on what it means to cultivate a spiritual practice. For those of us not born into a specific lineage, we have the gift and freedom to resonate and choose different spiritual paths and practices.
However, there is something to be said about digging a single well and going deep. Discovering what insight lays buried within the repetition. True learning. And, in the end, we touch something beyond this behavioral reality — we begin to transcend our ego-selves
All of You is Welcome
This is a solo episode where I'm reflecting on spiritual practice and meditation.
Spiritual practice is about welcoming all of you. It's touching life exactly where life is touching you.
If you have more questions or want more episodes like this please comment on this post!

Being, Nothingness & Suchness with Jivana Heyman
What a beautiful podcast to kick off Pride month!
This is an important month to celebrate our common humanity, diversity, and unconditional love and acceptance of one another.
Jivana coined the phrase, “Accessible Yoga,” over ten years ago, and it has now become the standard appellation for a large cross section of the immense yoga world.
Russell’s tendency of over-relating to our guests has been noted. And this episode is no exception. It might seem he’s attempting to “out gay the gays,” so to speak. But it opens this conversation into an incredibly intimate and deep portrait of a young man stepping into a cultural identity during a particularly traumatic time in our collective history, the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Life After Death with Nadia Stinga Rihani
Nadia Stinga Rihani is a mother of two, a yoga teacher (ashtanga level 2 authorised in 2014), a former gymnast, and a qualified strategic psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist.
In 2019 Nadia was hit by a car, which left her unable to walk for many months, and she had to learn to start again completely.
Spiral Journey of Spirit
This is a solo episode where I'm reflecting on some important questions:
What is the spiritual path and how does it change us?
How best can you honour this spiritual quest of life?
What makes you come alive and feeds your soul?
These are a few thoughts and reflections on what it means to have a spiritual practice and discipline.
Inspired by reading from the book: "Ritual As Remedy" by Mara Branscombe, a guest from back in January, episode 148.
I speak to how my own practice has shifted and changed over the years.
If you have more questions or want more episodes like this please comment on this post!

Erik Jacobsen: Yoga, Philosophy, and Art
Erik became passionate about art making from a very early age. A place of refuge and contemplation, that encouraged him to turn over ideas in visual ways allowing for intuitive integration and learning. A mix of meditation and exploration, his work is infused with spiritual and philosophical inquiry. Asking deep questions has always been a primary driver in his life, and various contemplative traditions have been parallel and complementary to his artistic process.

Escape the Meatrix with Stuart Waldner
Stuart says, “Like Neo in the Matrix, the Meatrix hooked my brain and my body on what it force-fed me since birth. Since taking the red pill and becoming plant-based, I see how I was living in a world of speciesism, brainwashed by the Meatrix and hooked on its products. I believe the Meatrix held this power over me because it is a cult I was born into and never questioned.”
The better he felt, not consuming animal-based products, the more he learned about the statistical connections between our dietary choices and the worldwide crises we’re about to face on a global scale. He felt called to wake people up—for our health and for the planet!

Christmas with Kino Yoga
Enjoy this relaxed, informal, conversation between old friends chatting about old times, as if we were catching up at the local Coconut Stand in Gokulum after a challenging led class.
The real charm of Kino though, besides her effortless ability to be vulnerable, as well as her deep and critical intelligence (which might be a somewhat delightful and unexpected surprise for the average IG doomscroller) is her down to earth, straight-up honesty.

Michelle El Khoury and YogaMazia
Michelle El Khoury is not only a wellness entrepreneur with a PhD and over twenty years of healthcare experience, but she’s also a wife and mother to three beautiful daughters.
Her journey took her from Trinidad to the U.S, where she climbed the corporate ladder in a successful career as a pharmaceutical executive. All the while, becoming more aware as she grew up in America, how our society here is less of a creole melting pot and more like a segregated tiffin box…
She began to experience the transformative effects of the practice, which inspired her to dedicate her life to sharing these teachings, and seven years later, she opened a healing space dedicated to bringing yoga to pregnant persons, children, and families.

Kerri Kelly: American Detox
What we understand to be wellness now, has become divorced from it’s origin, commodified, and sold as a luxury items that even the 99% struggle to afford.
Wellness isn’t just self-care rituals, like yoga or meditation, but it’s a living wage, a home, food, and basic human needs. It’s not just what you buy in lululemon, it’s all the ways we fight and advocate for healthy living conditions, so that all can get what they truly need.
“The myth of wellness is a lie. And until we learn to confront and dismantle its toxic systems, we can’t ever be well.” -Kerri Kelly

Zeena Kalisperides: A Greek Warrior Princess?
During the course of this morning’s conversation we touched on the subject of authenticity. How does someone become real we asked? We spoke with Zeena on some surprisingly hot topics. We went looking for answers to some difficult questions regarding appropriation and appreciation? What is the difference? Does appropriation have to do with breaking ahimsa (non-harming)?
We talked about privilege, racism, and defining our present understanding of past experiences — as uncomfortable as that new understanding might be… like our work with the transgressions of Pattabhi Jois.

Karyn Grenfell: A Hero's Journey
Karyn Grenfell has a very particular and idiosyncratic way of living her life. She is not dissimilar to a Tibetan nun, simply here and present, offering goodness to all beings. She’s not bored. Or at least she’s come to terms with a certain pace of life. And, she’s inculcating that same quality of patience and peacefulness in her child. Karyn is keeping alive traditions that feel as if they belong in another century, a predigital age, activities that keep her refreshingly grounded and self-aware.
If you’re at all in doubt about the value of an Ashtanga Yoga practice, or if you’re fretting and insecure, be assured that the 20 years of practice in a dark room at 3:00 in the morning DOES HAVE an effect…
Michael Baidoo: The Beginner's Mind
Michael Baidoo. Michael is very unique in that he’s what we might call a “CoVid phenomenon.” He is completely self taught through online resources, social media, and Zoom. And, he is amazing! We loved the levity and profoundly positive approach he brings to the practice that radiates through his Instagram videos. His humor and vivacious personality are infectious, so we brought him on the shown to share his fresh perspective on Ashtanga yoga.

The Undersea World of Daniela Ceccarelli
Today we are taking a deep dive into the ocean of yoga with Dr. Daniela Ceccarelli as our guide. We’re learning about coral reef ecology, the purpose of counting fish, and what this ultimately has to do with the health of our oceans. While we're down there... we discover the intricate complexities of Ahimsa, and what, if anything, we might do to save our planet… I LOVE this interview… and I know you will too!

Sista Shree: Gotta Serve Somebody
Sistashree, born Regina French, in the First Nation State of Sequoyah (what is now referred to as Oklahoma— okla humma) is an embodiment of the benevolent magic Earth-Mother figure that we all need in our lives.
She is a kind of blue-skinned Krishna, who vibrates peace and love and makes all beings in her vicinity feel friendship towards her.

Yoga, Philosophy, and Favelas
Those pursuing the path of Yoga should understand that it is to be experienced and expressed off of our mats and beyond acrobatic poses. The position we ought to strive towards the most, is practicing the stance of caring for others as if we were all One... every day. At least that's what Yoga teaches us. We know we can't experience completeness as long as others are still suffering and deprived of basic needs.
The pandemic in Brazil has gotten much worse and most of the population already lives in precarious conditions. These people are now facing extreme poverty and hunger, as the Brazilian government actions are very weak or nonexistent. This inspired Marcos Silva to initiate a projected called Rede Yoga Contra a Fome. A teaching network offering charity classes to support CUFA — Mães da Favela as he explains, the“Mothers of the Slum.”

Yoga and Social Activism
If there is one thing we have learned this year it’s that no matter how uncomfortable we are, it’s always better to try and engage in conversation whereby we can learn our neighbor’s perspective.
To that end, we’ve asked the ebullient Shanna Small onto our program to answer some very personal questions regarding her perspective on multicultural ethnicity and implicit biases. Shanna very graciously allowed us a moment to be curious and sincerely engaged in a conversation about MLK Jr. and performative activism, what sits at the heart of ahimsa and social justice; whiteness, ethnicity, gendered language; and her passion for making the practices and teachings of yoga accessible to anyone who wants to learn regardless of age, income, ability, ethnicity, or mobility.