What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

Balancing Life and Health: Practical Tips for Sustainable Change with Layne Stowell
What’s one small, sustainable health habit you plan to introduce or continue in your daily routine this year?
Today I’m sitting down with Layne Stowell, who’s going to help us create sustainable habits well into 2024! We’re exploring the dynamics of habit formation, the power + effectiveness of starting small. This is not just a tactic but a transformative strategy for creating lasting change in our health and overall well-being.

On Top of The Mountain with Elizabeth Kadetsky
Today we explore the epic yoga battle between the Iyengar school and the Ashtanga school, as we sit down with author, yoga practitioner, three-time Fullbright fellow to India, researcher, editor, and Professor of English and Creative Writing at Penn State University, Elizabeth Kadetsky!
You may have hear of her very popular book, “First There Is a Mountain” published in 2004? If you haven’t read it — You must.
Today, we’re learning about her research around the authenticity of the origin stories of our yoga practice, looking at the connection between yoga and art, looking at how yoga is being weaponized by the Right-Wing politics of India, and the complicated dance between East and West.

Love Your Body, Love Your Life with Anna Surrey
Today we’re diving deep into the secret feelings of guilt and shame we often carry — but don’t dare to speak about or admit… not even to ourselves.
We're sitting down with Anna Surrey, an Intuitive Eating & Positive Body Image Coach to openly explore some of the very deep patterns we carry around eating, dieting, and food.
If you’ve been struggling with your relationship to your body, food, or exercise obsession, then this is one conversation you won’t want to avoid. We’re exploring how these sneaky, self-destructive patterns can show up in unconscious ways that slowly erode our confidence and sense of worthiness, stealing joy from all areas of our lives, and some specific things you can do to free yourself from this trap!

Nourished Evolution with Lia Huber
If you've ever felt overwhelmed by having to come up with yet another idea for dinner… Feeling a lack of time and physically exhausted at the end of a long day; But, you still want to eat delicious, healthy food… This episode is for you!
We're going to discuss a few practical strategies to help you overcome some of the common obstacles we face when we think about how to feed ourselves in a nourishing way.

Escape the Meatrix with Stuart Waldner
Stuart says, “Like Neo in the Matrix, the Meatrix hooked my brain and my body on what it force-fed me since birth. Since taking the red pill and becoming plant-based, I see how I was living in a world of speciesism, brainwashed by the Meatrix and hooked on its products. I believe the Meatrix held this power over me because it is a cult I was born into and never questioned.”
The better he felt, not consuming animal-based products, the more he learned about the statistical connections between our dietary choices and the worldwide crises we’re about to face on a global scale. He felt called to wake people up—for our health and for the planet!

Plant Based Himalaya with Babita Shrestha
Today, we are absolutely delighted to present to you an amazingly self made woman. Babita comes from one of those rare villages in modern life, so ubiquitous in the developing world with hard-baked Nepalese mud floors and kerosene burners for cooking. And, that is in fact, how Babita learned to cook by her grandfather’s side.
Listen in amazement as she tells the story of how she became an art and film student studying in Minnesota, and now a Barnes and Nobles best selling cook book author.

The Facts of Life with Nicola Nixon
Diet is something that every yoga practitioner is passionate about. Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, eating fish or meat, Keto, Paleo, following a Mediterranean Diet, Sattvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic we’re obsessed about how we’re feeding our bodies to help our health and advance our yoga practice.
Nicola Nixon is a mom of two, Yoga Teacher & Ashtangi, Nutritionist (MSc) (ANutr), Yorkshire Gardener, Finance Exec (FCA), and Cancer Survivor. Today we're talking about how diet can heal your body. How important is the microbiome is and how rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, along with a whole host of other disorders, can be influenced for good or ill through dietary choices.

Vegan Vitality with Kathleen Kastner
It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our guest today, Kathleen Kastner. A devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship, an adopted child of Kansas, Deepak Chopra’s personal trainer, a philanthropist, and a published author many times over. Her passion was fuelled by working with clients who were struggling with obesity and helping them lose weight. She is certified in plant-based nutrition with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and has her own Vegan cooking YouTube channel.

The Hidden Gem that is Kathy Cooper
We had such a good time talking to an old friend in Kathy Cooper. For Russell it reminded him of Anne Rice’s vampire Lestat’s recounting of his origins in New Orleans. Lestat wrote that at every corner he was continuously surprised to find another stronger older vampire coming out of the ground and shadows. Each time like pulling back yards of history. These Ashtanga yoga students from the 70’s are each one a surprise fascinating in their strength and wisdom.
Keen On Adam
Adam has a wonderful lightness to him. His nature is a living example of a powerful creative energy, he embodies the quality of vata (in Ayurvedic terms) a bundle of moving, swirling ideas, ready to spring to life, and of course this energy is naturally infectious.
He’s really quite punk in his inclination and seems to have a distaste for authoritarianism, which has transformed and shaped his worldview.

Everyday Ayurveda with Kate O'Donnell
What exactly is the yogic diet? What should we eat to align ourselves with the principles of yoga? Learn the answers to these questions and so many more on this episode of Finding Harmony!
From her first trip to India, to living on Nancy Gilgoff’s front porch, to becoming a published author three times over and ending up on Fox News as an expert on Ayurveda, Kate O’Donnell has had a fascinating journey combining the Ashtanga yoga practice with a deep wisdom from the ancient science of Ayurveda.
Kate offers some simple and easy ways for you to integrate the ancient principles of Ayurveda into your diet and daily life, which can help to increase your energy and enrich your yoga practice!