What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love?
The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Show Notes Below:

From Injuries to Insights: Navigating Healing in the Yoga World - with Dan Fanthorpe
Join us on an epic journey with our guest, Dan Fanthorpe, (an experienced Osteopath and Ashtanga yoga teacher) and we venture into the realms of yoga, healing, and the transformative power of community as we navigate the ups + downs of injuries in yoga.
This insightful conversation goes far beyond a discussion of physical injuries to explore the spiritual and emotional dimensions of the practice.
Sally Parkes Yoga School For Life
We start off this episode with a cautionary tale about what happens when you experience debilitating back pain and don’t listen to your body, but try to work through the pain. We dive deep into the troubling beginnings of what brought Sally to the this path of yoga in the first place. A path which she believes wholeheartedly saved her life.

Lady Lucinda on Solsbury Hill
We have to say that this wild episode is one of our personal favorites.
The drugs and name dropping is one thing… Twee references to the Royal family compound our glee!
But, what gets us the most is when someone has a sincere relationship to the healing power of practice. And Lucinda Leachman is the first to attest to how it’s helped her immensely. Using it as a somatic therapy, it’s helped her to process the past, let go of shame, and move confidently into an unknown future.

Gopi Kallayil: The Happy Human
Gopi Kallayil is the Chief Evangelist, head of Digital Transformation and Strategy at Google. What that exactly means… We’re going to unpack it inside this episode!
He is the author of two books, “The Happy Human” and “The Internet to the Inner-net,” published by Hay House.
He has released three music albums titled “Kirtan Lounge.”

Sunshine Nights with Amy Priya
Amy talks us through her childhood as an immigrant to this country from the Philippines to upstate NY, becoming found (or possibly losing herself) in the state of flow through her early years of dance. Becoming a yoga student in NY in the 90’s and then taking up music and forming a band.
She became a follower and a devotee of Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), “the Hugging Saint.” There couldn’t be a better metaphor for how nice Amy Priya is… We’re sure you’ll feel her energetic hug over the airwaves.

Back To The Future with Krista Shirley
Krista is really is special. She is a voracious learner and she takes this infectious energy, AAA-type personality, to her whole life, business, motherhood, and Ashtanga yoga practice. If it can be said of anyone, it has never been more true when it comes to Krista: She embodies the energy of Wonder Woman… It’s always a shock for a lady like this to be confronted with a truly obliterating obstacle.

The Ever Ebullient Yan Ong
Yan, like a good champagne, has a sparkling personality. We very much enjoyed chatting with her in Portugal about her life, Injuries with the practice, and learning to thrive despite suffering from an autoimmune disorder… And So Much More!

Emma O'Neill on this Samhain
Samhain or All Hollow’s Eve is an ancient festival of the northern Gaelic islands. It’s a celebration meant to honour the beginning of winter when the demarcation between this world the other is thinned. To celebrate this day and these celestial beings, we present our friend and fellow Canadian, an Irish born lass, Emma O’Neill. She’s a lady who’s quite touched by the gifts that come from a long lineage of Pagan Irish Women. Not only is Emma an Ashtanga yoga teacher, but she’s also a voice actor who in her own words, “was born and placed on stage,” as well as a Mala-Magician, a true artist with beads, imbuing them with her Witchy Irish intuition and Sanskrit incantations to enhance the sacred stone properties….
Lu Duong: The Western Wing
Lu Duong is Principal Director for the Tech and STEM Initiatives unit for The United Negro College Fund and a former communications lead at the very influential education initiative the Aspen Institute. He took his degree in Political Science at Virginia Commonwealth University and applied his expertise in growth and marketing to his interest in Ashtanga Yoga (in his spare time!). We think it’s fair to say, Lu is kind of a big deal (not to mention a incredibly talented, thoughtful, empathetic and all-round fabulous human being).
In today’s episode we asked Lu his professional opinion to the question... “What would you do with the Ashtanga Yoga brand?”
Listen along as he reluctantly explains his opinion from the perspective of a political marketing expert…

Geoff Mackenzie: Man of the World
It is such a joy to meet a human being dedicated to evolution, self discovery, and insight. It’s our pleasure to introduce to you the accentless Englishman, now profoundly Canadian, Geoff Mackenzie!
Citizen of the world, swimmer, rugby player, and avid skier… Mysore teacher and Yogic Health Coach. He tells us how his practice has evolved over these past few year, becoming less strict. He’s created a more adaptive approach, more personal, and not dependent on needing to “show your practice off” in Mysore, India. You’ll hear us talk about how to maintain your practice as you age.